Universität Stuttgart HREM

Reto Gmür doziert im Masterstudiengang Healthcare Real Estate Management

Seit 2017

Ausstellung 'L'hôpital est une maison d'homme'

Harvard, GSD
Venedig, Palazzo Ducale

Ausstellung mit begleitenden Publikationen

Ausstellung 'Die Fassade als Raum'

Hospital building typology through the ages: a brief survey

This condensed summary of hospital construction over the last 2,000 years, which is restricted to just a few examples, seeks to analyse the development and use of building typologies over this period. The main focus lies on the history and development of building types, The aim of this paper is to answer the following questions: What kind of typologies have been used over the centuries? What typologies are predominantly used today? (And in what direction should hospital planning go from here?) What criteria should a future-oriented hospital planning process fulfil?

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